Welcome! This blog celebrates both the local and the catholic -- that is, universal -- aspects of the Roman Catholic Church by sharing reflections on experiences of the Church in a variety of settings and cultures. Postings will come from around the world and around the corner. You don't have to be a Catholic to come along.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Charlotte's Prayer

Charlotte Grace Andriacco, our first grandchild, was born on September 17, 2002. She had a gorgeous face and a defective heart.

As she spent the first days of her life recuperating from heart surgery, our friend Pastor Fred Lubs wrote this prayer:

Almighty God, your wisdom abounds in the glory of creation and is beyond our understanding. Your love for us and all creatures is as gentle as a father's and as tender as a mother's. We give you thanks for creating new life. Our hearts are filled with joy and expectation; with wonder, fear and awe. Help us, in these days, to proclaim your greatness and mercy as we ask for your sustaining care for Charlotte Grace; that all who surround her with love and care may grow in wisdom, faith, and grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Although Charlotte unexpectedly died the following month, I do not believe that prayer went unanswered. Those she left behind -- her mommy and daddy and the rest of her loving family -- and the brother and sisters that followed her surely have grown in wisdom, faith and grace these last eight years.

Charlotte's Prayer still hangs on our refrigerator door. Not a day goes by that Nonna and I don't think of her. And I know that now she is praying for us.

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